My name is Cian and i'm an Artist, which means I like to draw. :o3

I do both traditional and digital work, with a painterly style focus. My physical paintings at the moment are mostly academic, but my digital work leans a lot heavier into the subculture side of things.
I also dabble in a lot of like sewing and handicrafts and such-- The funny clown you see at the top of the page is yours truly in an outfit I made for halloween '23. I hope to be able to work with diy clothing & set/costume design alongside everything else someday.

I'm *still* a student until fall 2024, and then i'll have my associates and everything will be amazing and swell!

disposing of all the resume-esque stuff, I like to game and watch shows and read comics and watch films and and and etc.
I enjoy thinking about the craftwork of everything I consume so I can excuse it as "studying", but also because i find that kind of thing fascinating.